Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blue Suede Shoes

01 - The Drowners
02 - Animal Nitrate
03 - Sleeping Pills
04 - The Drowners
05 - Painted People
06 - Metal Mickey
07 - Movin'
08 - Pantomime Horse
09 - Animal Lover
10 - To The Birds
11 - Animal Lover
12 - Movin'
13 - Metal Mickey
14 - Pantomime Horse
15 - The Drowners
16 - Sleeping Pills
17 - To The Birds

Tracks 1 & 2 recorded at 100 Club 17/09/92, Tracks 4 to 10 recorded at Newcross 03/01/92, Tracks 11 - 17 recorded at Newcastle Riverside 28/05/92. The release year it's 1993 but the songs are from 1992. One thing, the lace shirt Brett is wearing on this picture: "I got it off my grandma", Brett says.

Download - Blue Suede Shoes


  1. thank you... however the 'blue suede shoes' link is actually the link to 'strange fascination'
